PBL Talk at PBL World (2016)
"Aaron Brengard, Principal of Katherine Smith School, talks about his school's Project Based Learning journey during PBL World 2016."
School Climate and Conditions - EdSource Symposium Panel (2017)
"School Climate and Conditions: Creating Safe, Supportive and Inclusive Schools So All Students Can Thrive" A panel discussion at EdSource Symposium 2017, Oakland Convention Center, October 5, 2017
New Tech Network Change Agent: An interview with Elementary Principal Aaron Brengard (2015)
“We created opportunities for deep learning where students think, learn, work, communicate, collaborate and contribute.”
Elementary School Leadership and Project Based Learning BIE (2014)
National Faculty member Shannon Cannon will be joined by Katherine R. Smith Elementary School Principal Aaron Brengard to discuss how he has been able to lead the Project Based Learning initiative at his public elementary school in San Jose, CA.
Collaboration and High-Quality Student Work (2014)
Watch Ben Daley, Chief Academic Officer at High Tech High,and Aaron Brengard, Principal at Katherine Smith School, discuss how it is more important than ever that we have a shared understanding of how collaborative student teams can create high-quality work.
Making Learning Happen: PBLNY Conference
Belonging, Persistence, and Relevance: Agency Across the System
Leading the reinvention of Katherine Smith School into a thriving 21st century learning environment taught me one clear lesson – the good stuff resonates across the entire system. From a kindergartner to the principal to the leaders outside a school, all people need social belonging, a growth mindset, and meaningful connections to the work. All people need agency.
Stories from the Field
From failure to exemplar – the reinvention story of Katherine Smith Elementary School.